EGB Abogados EGB Abogados is established as a Law Firm with a complete and sophisticated organization whose main objective is to provide its clients with comprehensive advice with agility, skill and dynamism in each of the fields in which it specializes, seeking at all times to find the correct solution. and timely for your clients.

At EGB Abogados, there is a necessary and careful balance between the number of partners and associates, which translates into an ability to advise clients through efficient and specialized work groups,, led by at least one of the partners involved in each stage of the advice we provide.

This mission and approach allows our Firm to acquire a detailed understanding of clients’ individual needs and interests and thus offer advice specifically tailored to each of them. All areas of knowledge and specialization of our Firm are closely integrated, related and arranged in such a way that they work in synergy, in order to provide personalized and, at the same time, practical advice, whose ultimate objective is to solve the matters entrusted by our clients.
Our Firm collaborated to found and has been a member since 2003 of the network of tax specialist studies “LATAXNET”, which has been distinguished for several years by Chamber&Partners as the main network of tax specialists in Latin America. LATAXNET, in turn, is part of the global network of tax specialists “WTS Global”, one of the most prestigious networks of tax specialists in the world..